Belgium's biggest GEEK QUIZ: Smart and Smarter

Belgium's biggest GEEK QUIZ: Smart and Smarter

Eindstand 2022-02-22 20:00

1 Duvel Directorate 73463
2 Cesar Senate 69704
3 Doktoor wiendadde 66145
4 The Absinth Anarchists 63142
5 Smartacus 60195
6 Pinky and the brains 57088
7 Breinpijn 56546
8 Bitkroeg 55733
9 Nieuwe wijn in oude zakken 55626
10 De slee van Kumaritasjvili 55591
11 Nifty Nifflers 54412
13 Deepsisuiker 53286
14 Humans of Late Antiquity 53119
15 Spandex Heroes 50137
16 Attack on Midget 49982
17 The Beta's 45633
18 De Sherlockholmuizen 43161
19 The Fellowship of Dummies 41917
20 The Tunnel Snakes 41303
21 The Dumbledorks 37281
22 One team to rule them all 37193
23 De Alles(w)eters 36873
24 The Placeholders 35660
25 The mario party 35611
26 Draken 34940

Eindstand 2022-02-23 20:00

1 Schrander in schtijl 67018
2 Quiztis Troop 63058
3 Kelvin en de Fahrenheits 59720
4 Gardeners of the Galaxy 58204
5 De Kolenboeren 58128
6 Hunkpapa's 57869
7 Tommy Quizeau 56257
8 Nemequizzers 52947
9 Ver van huis (Raad van Beroerten) 52351
10 Nerd Herd 49631
11 No Eye Deer 45840
12 Boba Feta 44930
13 The aluminium falcons 44279
14 Accio Victoriam 43644
15 The Marvels 41415
16 The Starfinders 40276
17 Wololo TC 39209
18 Quizachu TC 37185