1 | Duvel Directorate | 73463 |
2 | Cesar Senate | 69704 |
3 | Doktoor wiendadde | 66145 |
4 | The Absinth Anarchists | 63142 |
5 | Smartacus | 60195 |
6 | Pinky and the brains | 57088 |
7 | Breinpijn | 56546 |
8 | Bitkroeg | 55733 |
9 | Nieuwe wijn in oude zakken | 55626 |
10 | De slee van Kumaritasjvili | 55591 |
11 | Nifty Nifflers | 54412 |
12 | LOS DEPRESSIVOS | 53290 |
13 | Deepsisuiker | 53286 |
14 | Humans of Late Antiquity | 53119 |
15 | Spandex Heroes | 50137 |
16 | Attack on Midget | 49982 |
17 | The Beta's | 45633 |
18 | De Sherlockholmuizen | 43161 |
19 | The Fellowship of Dummies | 41917 |
20 | The Tunnel Snakes | 41303 |
21 | The Dumbledorks | 37281 |
22 | One team to rule them all | 37193 |
23 | De Alles(w)eters | 36873 |
24 | The Placeholders | 35660 |
25 | The mario party | 35611 |
26 | Draken | 34940 |
1 | Schrander in schtijl | 67018 |
2 | Quiztis Troop | 63058 |
3 | Kelvin en de Fahrenheits | 59720 |
4 | Gardeners of the Galaxy | 58204 |
5 | De Kolenboeren | 58128 |
6 | Hunkpapa's | 57869 |
7 | Tommy Quizeau | 56257 |
8 | Nemequizzers | 52947 |
9 | Ver van huis (Raad van Beroerten) | 52351 |
10 | Nerd Herd | 49631 |
11 | No Eye Deer | 45840 |
12 | Boba Feta | 44930 |
13 | The aluminium falcons | 44279 |
14 | Accio Victoriam | 43644 |
15 | The Marvels | 41415 |
16 | The Starfinders | 40276 |
17 | Wololo TC | 39209 |
18 | Quizachu TC | 37185 |